William Hallett Paintings


The paintings on this website are also available in reproduction, in two formats, each signed by the artist. Image sizes are 8” x 10”, and 11” x 14”, with larger sizes available on special order.

Prints on watercolor paper

These are ink jet (giclee) reproductions of larger original paintings by William Hallett. They are printed on Epson Velvet Fine Art paper. This method of reproduction is widely accepted in the art world by serious collectors and galleries because of its faithfulness to the colors of the original. The printing uses real pigment and not toner as used by digital reproduction. Each print is signed.

Theme and Variation Series: Ink and acrylic on Canvas

These are also reproductions of original paintings by William Hallett. Unlike other giclee prints on the market, here the artist has improvised on the original theme in acrylic paint. As a variation on a theme, each print is unique and not an exact reproduction of the original. Each piece bears the artist’s signature.

Prices and Shipping

For original acrylic paintings please contact the artist for prices and for shipping charges.

Ink jets on Epson paper, with matting, backing board, and a clear plastic envelope (ready for framing):

8" x 10” image 11" x 14" mat size $95
11" x 14" image 16" x 20" mat size $125

“Theme and Variation” Series. Ink jet and acrylic prints on stretched canvas:

8” x 10” $110
11” x 14” $150
These prints on canvas are available unstretched and can be shipped in a mailing tube.

Shipping: UPS, FedEx, or USPS, whichever is most cost effective. Recently the most economical has been USPS.

For prints on paper, matted, $12.
For prints on stretched canvas, $15., in mailing tube, $8.

Payment: We accept money orders, bank checks, and personal checks by mail. Please email or call to arrange for payment and shipping: wllmhallett@yahoo.com
(207) 249 8295 or (207) 563 6084.